With winter quickly approaching in Romania the staff of Bread of Life is busily getting ready for the colder months ahead. Proverbs uses the ants as an example of a hard working team that works diligently to set aside provisions. Each ant knows what it is supposed to do. For us the priorities right now include getting as many winter coats distributed as we can. We just want to pause to thank those who have contributed to this project and give you an update. So far we have distributed 215 coats. We have finished supplying the Feeding Center in the village of Buda and will soon take coats to Harsova which is a mostly Muslim community near the Danube River. Bringing the love of Christ to them in such a tangible way is very near to our heart. Some of the children have never had a new winter coat of their own and the look on their face is priceless when they first put it on. Other Feeding Centers have been calling me and asking if Bread of Life can supply their children with warm coats. We will do what we can and keep praying that God will bless and multiply our efforts!
Estera, from one of our feeding centers said: “Wow …this feels so warm!” We know we need to continue buying more coats for other poor children to feel the same way. We will get more coats as money is donated throughout the winter. Look for more photos and updates to come!
Winter Coat Drive Project:
Winter in Romania is quite cold and just a few weeks away. Each year Bread of Life provides coats for children at the orphanage and the children in poor villages where we hav e our Feeding Centers. This year, because of the high cost of shipping used coats from overseas, we willbe buying new coats for the children her
e in Romania. We will purchase coats and similar clothing items in bulk and negotiate a good price from local distributors. Our research shows the total cost to buy and distribute new coats to be around $25 each.
If you would like to donate please mark your checks “Winter Coat Drive” Our new mailing address is below. You can also use the online donation option and type “Coat Drive” in the special instructions box.
Please share this project announcement with your friends online or post a copy at your church
. If you would like to volunteer to be a Coat Drive Coordinator
for your church or area please contact us. We would love to hear from you. Look for updates and photos of the
children receiving their new coats on this website and our Facebook page!
Email: contact@bolorphanage.org
Phone: 717-940-7314
Address: Bread of Life International, Inc
920 Center Church Rd, East Earl, PA 17519
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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