Children grow and change so quickly. The first children who arrived at the Bread of Life Orphanage in 2003 are now grown. We are different from government orphanages because we consider children we take in to be family members. We work with them into their later years to become self-sufficient, not dropping them when they need us the most. Just as a healthy family, we not only supply their basic needs but also give them access to higher education and training for future jobs. The most important thing we provide is a healthy Christian environment so they can grow up to live a life of faith.
Because the Orphanage is located in a small mountain village which has little opportunity for education and employment, we maintain apartments for these young adults in the capital city of Bucharest. Here they receive supervision and structure as they complete their secondary education and job training. They attend and participate in church, and receive guidance from our staff on relationships, money management, and everything they will need as independent adults. We feel joy and gratitude when we think of those who have graduated the Youth Transition Program and have entered into Christian marriage, or the work force, or even support the work of Bread of Life in some way. The success of the Orphanage program has created a challenge for us as we now have more children who need to enter the Youth Transition Program than we have room for in our two apartments.
Expanding the YTP to welcome more children in is a big step of faith for us. We need two more apartments and they cost $75,000 each. This is more than a significant purchase for us, it is huge!! We realize that God is great and He can provide the miracles we need for His children. In His word He only asks us to have faith. Jesus said “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain,’ Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.’” Daring to present this to you is part of our mustard seed of faith. We pray that our faith will find hearts moved with a desire to contribute to the Youth Transition Program Fund and give the children who are waiting an opportunity to change their life stories. We pray that God will help us move our calling to give our children a whole life in Christ. mountains and be ready in September to complete.
Dumitrina, Andreea, Ionela and Gheorghita as they came to Bread of Life many years ago.
Andreea, Gheorghita and Dumitrina in our Youth Transition Program in Bucharest today. What will tomorrow look like for them?
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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