If you had to take one word which best summarizes what is most talked about in the news it would be the word ‘security.’ Recent attacks in Brussels are just the latest in an unending series of world events which we hear about every day. In our small village of Brosteni we are not isolated from the news. The children in our care hear about these things but they do not worry. A child’s world is much smaller than yours or mine. Within their small circle, like all parents, we try to make them feel loved and secure. Children have very basic needs and when these are met they are happy and content.
We shield children from many things: hunger, loneliness, and fear. We do not however shield them by keeping the truth from them. Instead we teach them to put on the shield of faith. “Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked” [Ephesians 6:16]. The fiery darts of fear and despair which can come at us through the bad news we hear can be extinguished by the shield of faith. What are we doing about all the trouble in the world? Well, we are doing the same thing we have done for many years. We have Bible Hour for the children, we sing, we pray, we read the bible, and then we try to live it out with them.
In trying to raise these children in the Lord and make them feel secure we receive the same blessing back from them. When we look at the children and see their carefree and happy smiles we feel happy and secure ourselves. Children have always been the shield bearers of faith. Jesus admonished us to “turn and become as little children” [Matt 18:3]. Children make faith look good to us. Lead on little ones!
The Bread of Life Team
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