Much More Than A Gift

The story of the Christ Child and the first Christmas is well known to most of us. For the small children who receive their first Christmas gifts in the form of Bread of Life Shoeboxes, they are in fact experiencing their first Christmas. For them the story is fresh and new and they are amazed that people who have never met them cared enough to give them not just one gift but a box of gifts.

Families around the world who celebrate Christmas know it as a season of buying gifts for their children. Even families with tight budgets make sacrifices at this time of year to thrill their sons and daughters with the gifts they would not normally buy. The Bread of Life family also stretches our budget to bring the joy of Christmas to the precious ones who live in our home for children and thousands who receive meals through our Feeding Centers.

A big part of the joy of Christmas is the joy of giving and there is no more joyful giving than blessing a poor child with their first gift. This year, like each year, we have newly arrived children both at the Orphanage and Feeding Centers. Each new child experiences the love of Christians celebrating Christ for the first time. In time this new feeling is replaced with another important feeling: the security of continuous love! The love of you, our supporters, gives us what we need to give them what every child has a right to. They know that there will be breakfast tomorrow, and lunch, and so on. They know that the adults surrounding them here and overseas are their providers, and that is our job and it is a labor of love for us. Their “job” is to eat and grow and go to school. Their part is to receive and our part is to give. Each loving hand that packs a shoebox or donates money for us to pack a box here is gently touching in love a little one who Jesus loves. When we bless their hearts, we are warming His. Thank you for sharing in this year’s ShoeBox Drive. With every shoebox packed and given to a poor child we are doing His Kingdom work.


Option One: Pack Your Own

Just find a shoebox or similar box and purchase a few items like these to fill the box: a warm hat, gloves, socks, a scarf, a small toy or two, a coloring book, crayons, a paint-by-number set. Please do not include food or candy. Lovingly wrap your box or boxes. Finally, complete and attach this form to the top of your shoebox.


This year two of our sponsoring churches has volunteered to receive your shoebox donations at their warehouse to prepare for shipping to Romania. Please mail shoeboxes only to this address:

Bread of Life, 3355 Brushy Creek Rd, Greer, SC 29651  or

Bread of Life 920 Center Church Rd., East Earl, PA 17519


Option Two: We Pack

For efficiency and to save shipping our staff in Romania will create a shoebox for you with items we purchase locally. Funds will be used by the staff to purchase shoe box contents, Bibles, and to distribute these items for the Christmas season. We will adjust the ratio of shoe-boxes to Bibles or other items to best meet the needs of the villages we serve.

  • I am enclosing a check for $__________ to create a total of ___________ Christmas Shoe Boxes  [$30 per box]
  • I am also sending  $_________  for the purchase of a total of ___________Romanian Bibles or children’s Bible story books [$5 each] to be distributed along with the Shoe Boxes.
  • I am including a check for $ ____________ to help provide a special Agape Meal for the lepers who live at the leper village.    With your help we can also  give each resident a gift package with items like  new linens, fruit, and pastries

Please mail this completed form to :

Bread Of Life International, Inc
920 Center Church Rd
East Earl, PA 17519.

Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.

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