We live in a time when our world has seen many changes in the last 100 years, as technology has exploded. We have accepted this modern lifestyle and like to see instant results. The room lights up at the flip of a switch, the microwave heats our breakfast in a minute, our car’s engine springs to life the moment we turn the key. The garage door opens at the push of a button, and we breeze down the highway at a speed unimagined just 150 years ago.
In spite of these technological advancements, it still takes years for a young child to mature into a responsible adult. This process is not only slow but also crucial because what children experience in their tender growing up years will have a big impact on what kind of adults they turn out to be. A child’s daily physical needs include food, clothing, shelter, and hygiene. It may be even more important that a child receives an abundant supply of teaching, guidance, and loving interaction in order to mature properly both emotionally and spiritually. Thus, we understand that operating a children’s home is not a “quick fix” but a long term commitment that requires much patience and diligent planning.
Although I greatly enjoyed my last visit to the BOL Orphanage, I regret that between all the meetings, planning sessions, and logistics, I had little time to interact with the children. But the time I did have with them was very well spent. Our newest arrival is 14-year-old Gabriela Andreea. Like many of our children, Andreea comes from a very sad and difficult past. Her parents separated in 2013 when she was 10 years old. Those of us who grew up in good homes probably can’t imagine the rejection Andreea experienced when her mother took her to the market one day to buy some shoes for her, and then left Andreea there in the market while she slipped away never to return. Andrea was devastated, and her life went from bad to worse. Eventually Andreea ended up in the state system as a homeless child. Her social worker, Juliana, knew about the BOL children’s home and felt that we had a much better chance of helping her than the state orphanage because of our high moral standards. She pleaded with us to give Andreea a chance.After meeting her a few times and hearing Andreea express her desires for a new beginning and a new life with high standards, we agreed to take her in.
Because of the nature of Andreea’s extremely difficult past, it is inappropriate to share all the details in the newsletter. The “adversary” tried to destroy Andreea, and even though she has made a new start, the battle is not over yet. Please pray for Andreea that she can forgive those who hurt her and that God will heal her emotional wounds and restore her life.
Luke 4:18 He (God) has sent me (Jesus) to heal the broken hearted
Geroge L.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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