While visiting Romania in May this year, I had the opportunity to visit the Bread of Life Orphanage in the village of Brosteni. I have followed this ministry for many years and was thrilled to finally see firsthand what God is doing there. As I toured the facilities and met the children and workers, I saw smiles of delight and contentment. When I heard the stories of some of the children, I was thrilled to know that children from broken and impoverished homes had a safe place to live. The children were excited and seemed very happy to see us. They were very proud of their rooms, which they kept clean and orderly. These rooms are likely the nicest place they have ever slept.
During a more recent visit in October, I had the opportunity to visit the warehouses where donated food and clothing are stored, to visit the Youth Transition Program apartments, and to help at a Feeding Center in a poor village. To God be the glory for the lives that are being impacted as a result of Bread of Life ministry!
The sacrificial service and leadership of Alin Panican and his father Adi Panican has been commendable as they oversee daily operations of the Bread of Life Orphanage and Feeding Centers. I observed their warmth and love towards the children and workers. I was amazed to see the sacrifices they continue to make on behalf of children in need in Romania. I could see that God has faithfully responded to their love and obedience. Times have been difficult. Sister Lucia, the wife of Adi has cancer and suffers with the resulting sickness. Rumors have spread about the ministry, still the ministry continues to thrive and grow because God always takes care of His own whom He has called and commissioned with specific purpose.
Jesus loves the children of Romania and all the children of the world. Before they were ever formed in their mothers’ wombs, God knew them and had an incredible plan for their lives. I encourage everyone who knows about this ministry to share the vision and to share the burden by investing in the fertile soil of this ministry. Your seed will bear great fruit-a life transformed by love in godly surroundings.
One of the specific project opportunities for supporters right now is the Roof Project. There is a great need to replace the roofing material of the Orphanage which has been compared to the Ark of the Bible because it is a place that provides safety. I am praying that God will provide the funds immediately so that this need can be met. Join me in prayer and support for this incredible ministry which receives support from many different types of churches. As a Church of God pastor I work with the Church of God World Missions and make sure that all money donated to help Bread of Life is deposited into their missions account.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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