For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Luke 14:28
Though the title might sound paradoxical, being involved in mission work we have experienced it. A sensitive balance must be kept between frugal management and walking by faith. To carry out an impacting ministry you need both. Either of these taken to the extreme, without having the other, means not reaching as many people in desperate situations as we could. For many, we are the only relief they have to their dire physical need, and their only glimpse of the hope of Christ. Looking back at the year we are soon closing, we praise God for His faithful servants that helped us touch the poor and the needy. During 2017, we saw Matthew 7:7.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”
become a reality numerous times. All glory to God for His love and mercy.
December is the month when we try to plan for the coming year. Seeking to determine what God wants us to do and how we will afford to accomplish what God leads us to undertake. We spent quite some time dwelling on which of the ministry projects we should share with you, as all have needs. Some project’s budgets are larger than others are, but all are important and all are part of the Bread of Life outreach. They build on each other, blessing the neglected children and families in extreme poverty.
Instead of choosing a specific project to share, we decided to share with you briefly about several areas of focus God has given us for 2018. We are committed to the lesson taught in Proverbs 24:3 “
Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established:”
(KJV) We pray that you will take a moment to read our brief presentations and contact us for more information, as God moves your heart to get involved. Financial help directed toward specific projects will go toward the project’s budget for the coming year. Donations to the general fund are designated to ministry projects according to urgency and importance. Running a responsible ministry implies budgeting and prioritizing, and we take that responsibility seriously. Your support is very important to us and will help us plan wisely; stretching the blessings for the poor we serve.
We share the following ministry projects with the desire to be a voice for the voiceless children and poor families that cannot help themselves. Any donation post marked by December 31st will receive tax credit for 2017.
Bread of Life Orphanage: Many children come to us through the intervention of the government social workers who have no other good option for children living without a safe and stable home. This is the very type of home we provide in a Christian environment. We make it our goal, with your help, always to be ready to take in more children when the need arises.
Feeding Center Program: This program began about 7 years ago with three small centers and a few poor children who received meals in Jesus’ name. Today Bread of Life supplies dozens of centers located in poor remote villages across Romania. Local churches work with us to operate the centers and distribute the aid Bread of Life supporters provide. With each meal, the children not only receive food for their body, but also hear the good news about Jesus. Helping with this program enables us to reach out to more children. It is a sobering thought to realize there are still so many children in the poor remote villages that are hungry, dirty, and neglected.
Youth Transition Program: Youth who are almost ready to leave the Orphanage or one of our Feeding Programs become a part of our YTP. This program is highly effective and near to our heart. We support and mentor these teens as they pursue their higher education and job training. With the housing, food, and other essentials provided by our supporters, this transition period allows them to succeed and become independent adults living for Christ.
Care Packages for Leper Village Residents: Delivering aid to the leper village in Romania has been a part of Bread of Life for over ten years. This year please consider joining us by sponsoring the cost of care package items for someone suffering from this terrible disease. We will be putting together packages with items to lift their spirits and comfort their bodies in Jesus’ name. Typical items include fruits, pastries, and new linens. Let us show them God loves them!
School Back Pack Project:
Each school year brings a sense of hope and excitement to all of the children who call the Bread of Life Orphanage ‘home’. Each year we send each of our children to school with a backpack of new supplies and we desire to provide the same gift of love and help to as many of the children attending our Feeding Center program as we have funds. Because we buy locally in bulk, just $13 provides the essentials for one child. Giving toward this project will help us keep the orphanage and feeding centers supplied with much needed school supplies. Completing education is a way of helping them help themselves.
Street Mission: If you have a heart for helping the homeless and feel led to serve the poor in Romania this project may have your name on it. We want to give food, clothing and Christian literature directly to those in the most urgent need. We see the need every day and we are ready to do more.
Bread of Life Farm: Did you know that Bread of Life operates its own small farm? The small number of livestock we raise [with the children helping] produce fresh milk and meat for the Orphanage and poor people in our area. This is a way of growing and working toward becoming self-sustaining. We need to continue developing our farm program and add more cows to the family in order to produce more milk for our children.
Mission Teams Wanted:
We invite and welcome individuals and groups to visit our ministry to the poor of Romania and lend a hand. You can also help us from home by being representatives to your church and community and get involved in projects. This program and this invitation are not limited to the summer months. If you have an interest in this type of mission of mercy please contact us by phone or email. We believe in teamwork and look forward to hearing from you!
Rebuilding the Ark: The Bread of Life Orphanage has been like Noah’s Ark to many poor children who have found refuge within its walls. Unlike the Ark that was many years in the making and only used for a short time, the Orphanage was the result of a two-year project that converted an abandoned building into a very large family home, using a limited budget. Now almost 15 years later, it is time to rebuild and restore. We need you to join us in keeping the ark floating safely.
Family Care Packages: Providing help and hope for impoverished families within their home is another ministry of Bread of Life. Under the supervision of local churches and pastors, we provide a measure of relief to families so they can feed their own children and the family can stay together. The distribution of these gift packages of food and other items help to show compassion to these families without creating dependency. Together we can be a blessing for them.
Sponsorship: Every child should feel loved and special and sponsorship helps us achieve that goal. Through Sponsorship, you make a difference in the life of a child by helping us provide necessary shelter, food, clothing, school supplies and medical care for a sponsored child. Sponsors are encouraged to send letters and cards to their sponsored children and in return, they receive letters and photos from the child they sponsor. Sponsorship can be partial or full, and can be short term or long term. Call or email us and we will be happy to talk to you about changing a life through sponsorship.
Sharing the Gospel:
The heartbeat that binds all our ministry projects together is our love for God and desire to share the Gospel with the hopeless ones. In every project, we have a strong emphasis on sharing God’s word through Bibles and Christian literature. We are not a humanitarian organization; we are a Christian ministry that has God in the center. Reaching out to over 3000 children and numerous families through our programs, we need your help in acquiring Bibles and Christian literatures to share with them.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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