We are happy to introduce to you, Nicoleta. She is one of the older girls at the Bread of Life Orphanage in Brosteni, Romania. She came to us six years ago along with her brother Abel. Nicoleta had become an orphan at only 9 years of age after her father tragically passed away. At this time of crisis God used people who knew about our children’s home to contact us and we were able to intervene quickly to help Nicoleta and Abel.
Coming to the orphanage was an emotionally difficult process for Nicoleta. The loss of her father affected her deeply, and it took a long time or her to recover. When she first arrived, she rarely spoke and kept to herself, not participating in group activities. We can never know how difficult it will be for children to adapt to their new life after such a disaster, but we know we can count on God and the love he shows through our team to comfort children like Nicoleta.
Nicoleta at 9 years old as she came into the Bread of Life Orphanage
Nicoleta had almost given up on school and was ready to abandon it when she arrived. She had much difficulty keeping up with school work. It took a lot of time and effort on Nicoleta’s part, and our staff, but we are happy to say that she is doing much better today. No longer is she failing at school, in fact she has decent grades and enjoys school. Nicoleta is also doing much better emotionally. She has moved from being shy and hiding to becoming more outspoken, helping other children and participating in group activities.
On June 22, Nicoleta will be 15 years old. She is a beautiful young lady successfully navigating her 7th grade school year and we pray her struggles are now merely a thing of the past. Nicoleta is extremely appreciative for her present home and the chance BOL orphanage has given her and her brother. She is looking forward to her future and doing her best to excel in her abilities. Nicoleta’s involvement in the Bible programs and active participation in other orphanage activities gives us the assurance that her life is developing in a good Godly direction. We pray that Nicoleta’s life will be an example of the seed in Mark 4:8 “And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty, and some an hundred.”
Please remember to say a prayer for Nicoleta on her birthday.
Gabi C.
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