After a busy day with lots of activities, the voices of the children at the Bread of Life orphanage are dimming as they get ready for bed. The eyes of the little ones are quickest to close as they lay down well fed in their comfortable warm beds. This is when I have my quiet time of reflection. It is 3.2 ⁰F outside but we are all cozy inside the BOL home. As it gets close to midnight my mind goes across the ocean to my dear friends in the US that are in the middle of their workday. I am amazed at God’s plan that unites us all using our abilities and efforts for His children. I think we could be the ones the writer spoke about in 1 Corinthians 3:5-9(KJV) “ Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”
The year that just passed was a blessed year. Together we managed to fully support every need of our 75+ BOL family. We received 21 new children into our home and some of our older ones are now financially independent forming new families and needing only our spiritual oversight. We delivered 7 large containers of food, clothing, blankets, coats, hygiene and school supplies, and Bibles & Christian literature to dozens of Feeding Centers, poor villages and the leper village where we impact the lives of over 3000 children. We ran a small farm which helped provide fresh milk, cheese, and meat for our children. And we were able to s hare God’s gift: Jesus Christ to over 2000 children through the Shoebox project.
We believe God’s work through BOL is stable and constantly increasing as we reach out to more children. Here we have limited ourselves to presenting some facts, but beyond the numbers, there are little heartbeats. Each of them with a unique story and purpose. It is our honor to be God’s hand that molds them and helps them grow into His image. We water them and just like a little tree they grow up strong to resist the difficulties of life.
What do we plan in 2019? We plan to follow God’s lead! We see needs and opportunities to serve Him but we want to make sure He empowers us. Please pray with us for the children, the fruits of our ministry to grow into strong Christians, just like a tree, bearing fruits of their own.
Alin P.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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