Growing up in a family active in social outreach and ministry activities since 1994 was an exciting experience. Many times ministry and family life were overlapping. Sharing our homes with US teams, going on mission trips together, unloading containers and distributing them to the poor villages, and staying up late at night with family and friends to insert ministry letters in envelopes were all part of our life. I learned early in life that being involved in ministry is not a job but a calling, a calling that becomes an integral part of your life and family.
We hear about viruses almost continuously now with COVID-19, all around us. I would say that ministry and love are like good viruses that affect your family and close friends. Over the years, all seven of my younger siblings and many good friends like George Robitu and his family have become dependable volunteers for Bread of Life and some even staff members. George, who began as a part-time assistant and remained with BOL, is now in charge of our YTP (Youth Transition Program) in Bucharest. The “Love Virus” got him, and he has now been part of our BOL staff for more than a decade. His organized mind and God-given abilities are vital to keeping our YTP running smoothly.
A few years ago, my youngest sister Luminita married Edi, a young man from the Brosteni area who grew up in our BOL family. Edi came to Bucharest to become a part of the YTP. It was soon evident that Edi had also caught the “Love Virus”, and he stayed involved and officially went to work for BOL last year. He quickly became one of the most valuable and dedicated staff members here, being in charge of our Feeding Center program, among many other tasks. As Edi’s involvement with BOL grew, so did my sisters. Luminita began to volunteer with different projects and ended up partnering with Raeghan Bryant to help the girls in the YTP. You have read in our ministry newsletters how Raeghan came from Birmingham, AL to Romania one year ago to volunteer with BOL. Over the year she has been with us, she has used all her energy and knowledge to boost our programs to a higher level.
In a world dominated by the fear of harmful viruses, we are happy to see that there are good “viruses” that affect God’s people. All of these BOL team members carry on their shoulders the hardship of day to day responsibilities. The BOL success stories that we share with you have their fingerprints all over them. It is our love for Him and His children that capture our hearts, and we cannot escape. I think you know what I am talking about as I get the feeling you also have the “Love Virus”. The love we have for God, and each other will prevail.These members of our BOL team manage most of the operations of the YTP. Please keep them in your prayers as they need God’s protection and wisdom in their day to day ministry.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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