One of the most affected groups of this pandemic is the elderly. Due to their vulnerable health, the virus is fatal to many of them, but far more dangerous to them is the extended isolation. Sadly Romania does not have a system to shelter them and care for their needs, and there are so many who need assistance and food during this time. Around our BOLCH and Feeding Centers, there are many elderly that are suffering and living in inhumane conditions.
It is so sad to see that after giving all their life energy to others, family, community, or the state, now, when their strength is gone, their life is ignored, and they suffer hunger and live in cold, filthy conditions.
We plead with you for their cause.
The severe financial times push us to stay within the boundaries of paying bills and making sure the children are well, but we need to take this step of faith and reach out to the elderly.
We need your help to make food parcels for our elderly. With only $30, we can supply them with the basics for almost a month. Thank you for prayerfully considering this need.
BOL Team
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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