God Honnors the Faith of the Children

There are a few extra special days in the lives of the children in Romania. Their birthday, when they start and finish school, and Christmas day. They enjoy Christmas day for several reasons; the meaning of Christmas, the stories about the way baby Jesus was born, the celebration, but also for the Shoebox gift they receive.

On the day we celebrated Christmas at the BOL children’s home in Brosteni, you could feel the excitement in the air. The children were walking around with big smiles on their faces relentlessly asking questions about the program and if they would receive a Christmas Shoebox that day. It was funny to see that they would come back to double-check even after being assured it would happen.
As adults in ordinary families, it is hard to comprehend the emotional intensity in the heart of a child at the BOL home. I was left speechless when Irinuca, a 10-year-old girl, came to me in the dining room, she took my hand, and with a huge smile, she said: “Mr. Alin, I have prayed for a pair of shoes! I can not wait to open my shoebox and see them!” My mouth jammed. I mumbled some words preparing her for a potential disappointment.

Later that evening, amid the pleasant chaos of many dozens of shoeboxes opening with sounds of excitement and laughter, I hear my name. When I turn, I see Irinuca holding a pair of shoes with tears in her eyes. “See, I received the shoes, Mr. Alin!!” I felt my heart melting with gratitude to our God, who honors the faith of the little ones. It was an evening Irinuca would never forget as the long journey of her Shoebox gift came to an end.
Irinuca’s story is just one of the many we experienced that night. Working together this Christmas season, we made over 1300 poor children in remote parts of the country feel the love of Christ, and it came wrapped within a shoebox.

I want to encourage all our ministry friends who took part in this project. Shoebox gifts might seem small or insignificant, but they bring so much joy to children who receive no other gift. Showing God’s love to them is a faith builder and creates memories they will never forget.
Your involvement has blessed BOL allowing us to create special shoeboxes for birthdays and hygiene kits that are needed and so appreciated in remote poor homes. God bless you. P4-A3

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”  Mathew 7:7-8

Alin Panican

Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.

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