“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
Matthew 18:2-5 (NIV)
Albert was just a toddler, around 1 or 2 years old, when his mother sadly passed away from cancer at the young age of 31. As the youngest of four children, his hardship was compounded when his father abandoned the family, leaving Albert and his siblings in the care of their elderly grandparents.
With no income and four children to support, the grandparents struggled to provide, and the children suffered deeply. In the summer of 2021, we learned about Albert and his siblings. We welcomed Albert and his brother Ionut into our Bread of Life home in Brosteni.
Their two older siblings, now 16 and 17, remained with the grandparents to assist them. Today, Albert is 7, Ionut is 11, and they have been part of our family for three years.
It is truly inspiring to witness how a healthy and stable environment, filled with loving and dedicated tutors, can transform a child’s life. Albert has made remarkable progress and has developed a strong bond with his tutor, Andreea, who has become a mother figure to him and has played a crucial role in his emotional growth.
Our friend and ministry volunteer, Cezar, also serves as Albert’s school teacher. Given their traumatic past, we are overjoyed to see Albert and Ionut enjoying as close to a normal childhood as possible.
With God’s blessing and the Bread of Life Home staff’s unwavering dedication and love, they are on the right path. Their past trauma has been replaced with a safe and nurturing environment.
All of this is possible because of your faithful support. Albert is just one of the 50 children we shelter and educate in our home. We deeply value and appreciate your involvement. Thank you for helping us make a difference in their lives.
Dorin Ciocan
BOL Children’s Pastor
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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