In recent email updates, we’ve emphasized the crucial role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty. We can feed and clothe these children until they are grown, but we must also help them acquire the necessary tools to succeed in their adult life. (If you do not receive our email updates, I encourage you to sign up at Our updates have shared the progress of our students in overcoming poverty through education.
During a child’s crucial formative years, time is of the essence. As we all know, one season is hardly over before another begins. We have just celebrated achievements from the past school year, and now we must urgently prepare for the next school year.
The start of school is exciting for the students at the BOL Home, but it brings sadness to the homes of many of the children we serve. School attendance requires appropriate clothing and supplies—things they do not have. Your role in our joint partnership is crucial. Together, we can make the start of school exciting for these children.
Each year around this time, we submit our appeal for funds to purchase school supplies, backpacks, and hygiene products, giving these children the opportunity to attend school and find a better life through education.
This project replenishes supplies for our 100 children in the BOL Homes and another 400+ students in the rural villages we serve. We aim to provide every child with the necessary tools to learn and develop mentally and spiritually. For some, this can mean the difference between continuing to live in poverty and finding a way out.
We recognize that life has become more expensive for everyone. Still, we firmly believe God has entrusted us with this task and will inspire hearts to join us.
We are incredibly grateful to everyone who supports our campaign to provide essential school supply packs, valued at $25 each, to over 500 students for a well-prepared start to the 2024 school year.
The joy of giving is unparalleled, and together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of these children and their communities.
Debora Brown
Volunteer Sponsorship Director
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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