The Bread of Life Orphanage is located in a small village nestled in a narrow valley surrounded by mountains. Winter has been long and hard, but spring has finally come and everyone is glad for the milder weather and many other changes that come with it. Fresh green grass has begun to grow on the mountainsides again. The cows, sheep, and goats who had to stay inside all winter, surviving on dry hay, are now outside enjoying lush pastures.
Once again it is time to plant our garden. Every gardener knows that wonderful feeling of working up the soil and planting the first seeds on a warm spring day. This year I had the privilege of enjoying that time with the children in the BOL garden. Once the weather turned warm and sunny, we were eager to get into the garden. The only tractor tiller in the area was scheduled out for a whole week, but that didn’t stop the BOL team. With a group of children, the soil was soon worked fine with hoes and rakes. Peas and onions were planted in nice straight rows by hand.
Since local food prices are high, and even low paying jobs are scarce, many local residents supplement their food supplies by keeping a garden. Often the front of their homes are used for this purpose instead of having lawns like most American homes. Because of this, it is important that our children learn the skill of raising and preserving vegetables. These skills will benefit them for many years in the future. It is also a nice break of routine to get out into God’s creation and experience the cycle of planting, tilling (by hand), weeding, and finally harvesting a crop.
“While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest,… shall not cease.” Gen. 8:22
We make sure that children coming to the Orphanage from rural areas
develop skills that will be important in their adult life if they go back to village living.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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