Summer Camp

     Sitting at the desk, looking through photos of the Bread of Life children during summer camp, I wonder how I can ever put into words my feelings.  I see faces that are now smiling, but were solemn and sad when I first met them.  I see happy, healthy children that hardly resemble the sad withdrawn children they were upon arrival at Bread of Life.  I see children that are growing up so quickly, I wonder where the time has gone and I am amazed at what God has done so far.

     When you think of summer vacation, most people think of spending time with family and traveling before school starts again.  In Romania, there are still a few weeks before summer vacation is over. For some of our children at Bread of Life, those who are fortunate enough to have a loving family, summer vacation gives them a chance to reconnect with those families with a short trip home. However, not all of our children are that fortunate.  Many come from broken homes, homes of abuse, neglect, or extreme poverty, and have no visits home to anticipate. Even if they could go home, most would not want too.  They do not want to revisit the pain of the past.

     School is also difficult for many of our children for various reasons  especially their past circumstances. They have just recently finished the school year and for most of them, it was their best ever.  School is hard work and having a good year is quite an accomplishment! The work the children and orphanage staff have put in is paying off.  The children are learning good study habits to help them obtain the education they need  to move beyond their dark past into a brighter future.  Summer camp is like a reward for a year of hard work.

     Our little camp is not much, mostly time together outdoors, enjoying each other and God’s beautiful creation. The children and staff all have fun and there is plenty of laughter to go around. During camp , our children can forget all about their past and live that carefree life that we desire to see all children live. In Ecclesiastes, we are told there is a season and a time for everything, and we believe summer camp is the season to laugh and a time for joy.

     As I see the photos of children and staff, hiking, sharing meals, playing in the small stream and generally having a wonderful time , I realize what a strong commitment it has taken,  This commitment is not only our staff in Romania, but also the many churches and individuals who have taken this journey with us.  Together with God’s help, this commitment and dedication is turning broken pasts into bright and happy days and the promise of a future worth having. Thank you for taking this journey with us!

Deborah B.

Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.

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