I recently served with a team here in Romania. Working with this team reminded me how important it is for people to come and see the ministry that is taking place. More importantly, to become part of the effort. Four years ago when I got on a plane to Romania I had no idea what to expect, but based on situations in my life at that time I believed God was placing an opportunity in front of me. I could not believe I was actually going. God had made a way and provided every need for me to go on this trip. When my team got there, we were greeted by strangers who quickly became friends. Meeting the people behind the name “Bread of Life”, visiting Feeding Centers, loving the children at the Orphanage, and interacting with the teens in the Youth Transition Program all captured my heart. I have returned to Romania a few times over the past four years. Now, when I am at home in the US I make it my goal to be a voice for these people. My trips have built a passion inside of me to share stories about the ministry and spread the word to encourage others to get involved.
Through a short-term mission trip with Bread of Life, you can join us here in caring for the people of Romania. Joining a team is so important to the growth of the ministry because it helps to increase awareness of the needs, and also brings the pictures to life with stories. Over the years I have learned it is true that I cannot save all the kids from the circumstances in which they live. Although that is my desire, that is not why God sent me here. I believe God sent me here to be an example of His love, and to plant a seed in each person I meet.
In 2015, during one of my trips , I wrote a blog on a new perspective God gave me on the subject of mission trips. In the blog, I wrote: “I have been able to give my hand to hold, my arms to hug, and my heart to children who are missing the love and affection of their parents. I have been able to use my feet to run, kick the ball, and play with the children who love to play as much as any child from around the world. I have been able to share a smile and my attention with children who do not receive it as much as a child should. I have heard many people say they believe missions trips are not “good”, but my experiences have told me something different. I think the most important thing to do on a mission trip is to do the best job you can at whatever God places in front of you.“
Raeghan B.
Thank you for your interest in Bread of Life Ministries. We have been able to accomplish a lot with the help of our supporters around the world. There is still more for us to do. Please prayerfully consider how you might help support Bread of Life as we provide support to children and families in need.
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